APA Dictionary of Psychology




APA Dictionary of Psychology, 2nd Edition

This second edition of a landmark reference resource - created not only for psychologists, clinicians, students, and professionals from allied mental health professions, but for all interested readers - offers definitive information on the lexicon of the field, including almost 26,000 entries offering clear and authoritative definitions - approximately 1,000 more than the first edition; balanced coverage of 90 subareas, with significantly revised and expanded content especially in the areas of neuroscience, psychopharmacology, lifespan developmental psychology, statistics, experimental design, and many others; thousands of incisive cross-references that deepen the user's comprehension of related topics; more than 400 brief biographical entries on historical figures in psychology and other related areas - four times more than the first edition; a Guide to the Dictionary and a Quick Guide to Format that explain stylistic and format features; three appendixes: Institutional and Organizational Entries; Psychological Test and Assessment Instrument Entries; Psychotherapeutic Techniques, Biological Treatments, and Related Entries.